Agriculture, Land, Newspaper Articles, North Carolina, Paternal Kin

No need for exodusting.

Napoleon Haganstestimony before a Senate committee was not his last word on the migration of African-American farmers out of North Carolina. Nine months later, he — or someone for him, in any case, as he was unlettered — penned a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, recounting his agricultural success and exhorting his “race” to cast down their buckets where they were. His sentiments were echoed by Jonah Williams, his friend, neighbor, pastor and brother-in-law’s brother. (Jonah, too, was illiterate. Both men, however, were strong believers in the value of education and saw that their children received the best they could afford. See here, here and here.)


Goldsboro Messenger, 30 December 1880.


2 thoughts on “No need for exodusting.

  1. Interesting! I live a few miles from Dunlap, Kansas – one of the exoduster destinations. And have met the woman who lead the effort to get Nicodemus, Kansas listed as a historic site and preserved as much as possible. I’m afraid there is very little left to preserve at Dunlap.

    • A number of my relatives — including nieces and nephews of Jonah Williams — migrated to Arkansas in a later wave, circa 1890. I’m hoping that their descendants will stumble across this blog! Thanks for taking the time to comment!

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